rue de la Luzerne 42/3 1030 Bruxelles - Belgique - Tél. + 32 476/30 22 58 -

Path of Transformation, Consciousness & Awakening



An initiation
path to
the Self,
the Other,
the Divine
in 3 workshops

The Cycle The Path of Love consists of following workshops​ :

​* all workshops are open to all, without other requirements, except The Transcendental Path to Relationships- Module III which is only open to those who have done all other modules before.​

• Dayworkshops - The Path Of Love
As an accompaniment of your Path of Transformation and supporting the steps you are already undertaking in your own way (f.e. individual sessions, workshops etc.) ​

• The Path to Trance & Dance - Module I
Going through the Process of transformation while connected to the Totality. Learning not to stay stuck in only the emotional aspect.​ (20 - 22 October 2017)

• The Path to Trance & Dance - Module II
Healing of heart and soul wounds​
(Friday 11 May 2018 – 9 am to Sunday 13 May 2018 – 5 pm 10130 - Chessy les Prés FRANCE)

• The Transcendental Path to Relationships - Module I

•The Transcendental Path to Relationships - Module II

•The Transcendental Path to Relationships - Module III
only open to participants of the previous workshops​ )

•Monthly Ceremonies of Sacred Dance & Music with satsang

Initiatic retreats

Read the article
"The path to transcendence "

Dayworkshops : The Path of Love

« Your task is not to seek love, but simply to seek and find
all the obstacles you have built against love


Initiatic and healing process through Sacred Dance and Music
using APESRA (psychocorporal, energetic and spiritual approach in helping relationship).
With Maria Verhulst

As an accompaniment of your Path of Transformation and supporting the steps you are already undertaking in your own way (f.e. individual sessions, workshops etc.) ​

Under the vibrations of music and live music, 
union of the essence of all traditions, 
a healing process takes place without any particular dogma and leads to

DATES 2018

From 10 am to 7:30pm

Samedi 17th February – 93100 Montreuil – Paris - France
From 9:30 am to 7pm

Samedi 21st April – 2545 VPDen Haag– Netherlands
From 10 am to 7:30pm

Sunday 10th June– 93100 Montreuil – Paris - France
From 9:30 am to 7pm

Samedi 16th June – Den Haage – Netherlands
From 10 am to 7:30pm

Sunday 7th October – 93100 Montreuil – Paris - France
From 9:30 am to 7pm

Price of a dayworkshop : 80 euros

Participation to 3 workshops in France = 195 euros instead of 240 euros

Participation to 2 workshops in the Netherlands = 140 euros instead of 160 euros

Participation to 5 workshops = 300 euros instead of 400 euros



The Path to Trance & Dance

«There is more reason in your body than in your best wisdom.»
Extract from Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche


Biodanza workshop and healing ritual

DATES MODULE 1: from Friday October 14th to Sunday October 16 2016 - France
Traverser le processus de transformation tout en se reconnectant à la Totalité et apprendre à ne pas se laisser haper uniquement par l'émotionnel
Friday, 20 October 6 pm to Sunday 22 October 2017 5pm
Location : Venweide - Brugseheide 12B - 5556 XW   Valkenswaard - Pays-Bas
140 km from Amsterdam - 150 km from Den Haag - 110 km from Liège- 125km from Brussels - 430km from Paris


DATES MODULE 2 : from Friday 11 May 2018 – 9 am to Sunday 13 May 2018 – 5 pm
Healing of heart and soul wounds
Location : 10130 - Chessy les Prés FRANCE

Under the vibrations of music and live music,
union of the essence of all traditions,
a healing process takes place without any particular dogma and leads to

Virginie Verdier & Ingrid Bourgeois

Liberation of our crystallizations

Because of a psychic mechanism of repression and/or denial, the origin of our repeating patterns and wounds is hidden and frozen in the unconscious, and we have no access to it.
The extraordinary feature of music and live music is setting the body in motion and leading naturally and progressively to states of altered expanded consciousness and integrating trance. Those states allow the surpassing of our states of freezing and the ego tensions.

Then, a way is created through our psychic armors and it allows us to reach the root of the cellular memories of:

- our emotional knots,

- our traumas,

- our imbalances with the instinctive forces,

while leaning on a verticality coming out of the soul depths.

Releasing the charges of all our sexual, affective and spiritual crystallizations produces an energetic expansion, a healthy dissolution of the ego and a heart opening which purify our wounds.

Sarah Mareels & Olivier Taskin

The released energies of the instinctive forces spread towards the heart which gets under expansion and then ascend to our consciousness in an enlightenment process which throw light on the spiritual meaning of our life events.

If we are ready, we can reach full consciousness and real healing.

State of grace in communion with the divine
Going through this gives birth to a state of regeneration, grace and ecstasy while meeting the numinousness which reveals itself in dancing and irradiates in all our being.

This experience of inner peace, Unity and Wholeness establishes new references and traces in us. It leaves the way open to the potential of our essence and it will continuously guide our healing forces towards a divine quality of our Being.

Connection with our guides
Those who know them will strengthen and widen the bond with their guide. The others, if they wish, will have the opportunity of an important personal meeting for their journey as incarnate spiritual being on this Earth.

Some theory in order to better understand the importance of this workshop:

“So far as we know,
a complex is only effectively overcome when we exhausted it living it until its lowest depth. (…)

Emotion is the main source
of all becoming-conscious.
There is no transformation of darkness
into light and inertia into movement without emotions. (…)”

Extract from Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetypes by Carl Gustav Jung

During the childhood, the human being is naturally connected to the instinctive forces.

As he grows up, he will learn to give up his instinctive drives in order to better and better fit the cultural, educational and religious moulding of the society in which he lives. The censorship required by this cultural moulding is justified in each society. During many years, it allows each of its members to adopt the perfect code of conduct to follow in order to ensure balance and harmony inside the community. According to the censorship level of the society in which we live, the result is therefore a long process of the instinct deterioration whereby the human being ends up losing his natural abilities to connect with everything that lives in his universe. That is how the illness appears, being the consequence of a harmony rupture between the human being and his background.

When repressed, life impulses create three kinds of psychological consequences:

The emotion, and especially its expression, protects us from those psychological disorders. As a child, we let it flow naturally. Then, on behalf of the need of specific moulding related to our culture, we learn to interiorize it and finally to anaesthetize our feeling and our basic needs.

In one way or another, we will have to exteriorize what we have been burying for the past years in order to have the opportunity to put an end to our psychological disorders. When the fire of feelings and emotions is released, it has the ability to burn and therefore to transform everything we don’t need anymore. Like any fire, it has also and above all the ability to produce light.

The Transcendental Path to Relationships - Part I

Ritual initiation for men and women
Sexuality – Affectivity – Spirituality

Biodanza workshop and healing ritual

«El cambio viene por el despertar de lo femenino (el amor)
en hombres y mujeres.
Femenino y masculino van juntos,
uno sin el otro no hacen nada.»

“Change comes from the awakening of the feminine (love)
in men and women.
Feminine and masculine go hand in hand; one without the other can do nothing.”

Grandmother Margarita

When we start on a path of personal development, it means we become conscious of a tension which torments us.

One part of us is looking for integrity, integration, self-fulfillment, unity and it is expressed through malaise, psychosomatic symptoms, a need for meaning and answers to existential questions…

As incarnate human being living in community, all these answers and the relief you are looking for will inevitably reveal themselves in the relationship to our body and in the relationship to the other – the others.

Everything concerning the body of the human being is rather in search of beatitude than pleasure. Beatitude is not calming down your stress and meditating with consciousness on the beauty of a sunset. It is inhabiting your body in all its human dimensions, that is in its sexual, affective and spiritual dimensions.
But, according to our wounds and traumas, we cut us off from the relationship to the self and the other being while using a denial, compensation or sublimation strategy in one of the three dimensions which live within us.
For example,
Some may live the relationship to oneself or/and to the other only sexually or only affectively.
Some others may only have access to sexuality if it is linked to an affective relationship or vice versa.
Some may only consider the spiritual view of the relationship dissociated from the living and from the laws of the Earth.
Others may confine themselves in loneliness while stifling their potentialities because they are fearful of meeting their essence, the other, life.

This workshop is intended to all those who are on the path to their unity and in search of:
• finding a way out of the conditioning of fears and education;
• reconciling with the inexorable link which unites woman to man and man to woman;
• meeting the instinctive forces which support sexuality, heart opening and spirituality;
• being in communion with the living in all its dimensions;
• letting oneself be touched by the spiritual mystery of the meeting with oneself and the other.

This workshop is open to all, men and women, with or without Biodanza experience, who are ready to live and to let the steps of transformation pass through them. Nevertheless, you will take more advantage of it if you have already participated in some weekly classes before, knowing that it is advisable to feel comfortable with your body, movement, feelings, contact and emotional expressiveness. The most important prerequisite is above all the desire to live (again) your uniqueness with the kind support of a ritual initiation between men and women.

Date: Friday Septembre 25th 2 pm to Sunday September 27th 2015 5 pm

Price: Residential workshop
210€ without accommodation
195 € for the members of the weekly classes
or for Centre 77 asbl members
or in case of payment before Jully 30th.

Venue : Les Jardins de Bois Gérard 10130  Chessy les Prés FRANCE.

!!! Wath the video
of the group !!!


…//… For me, as a man, the structure of the workshop worked really well in opening up, going beyond many barriers, taking that plunge into unknown waters; which were actually not cold at all, but rather full of loving warmth.
Feeling and accessing instincts, the ying and yang inside of me (and their "public" display), thinking about the root cause of dissociation from child birth onwards, these were all so important elements which moved inside me like the ingredients in a physical and ethereal dough since then.

I came with a couple of questions:
How can harnessing forces from the earth (e.g. fire energies) be transformed from a powerful force/energy to healing light and love?
Am I ready for such a process or do I first need to come to grips with my own innermost pains and angst?
And my own personal quest: to discover more of myself. Who am I? Who am I as a man?

I left with: An experience of the flame inside me, an understanding that this exact flame radiates lights in many shades of colours (and emotions), and that these have all their right in being. While the experiences and emotions were accessed for myself inside our dance room (and apart from one(-sided) exception) did not seem to connect me with a particular individual outside the room. This was also a new, interesting and valuable experience. For example, I now see - more frequently - my colleagues or any everyday people with different - or more disclosing eyes - knowing that in each one of us lives this loving, connecting spirit. I also felt very at home in a group, where individuals shared their struggles and some victories. …

The Ritual has opened up a new dimension of experience which has helped me through some difficult times in living my day-to-day man-woman relationship. It was very important for me to move away from my monumental desire to understand things (i.e. my relationship and its "challenges") to an experience of emotions outside my relationship. Now it is up to me, to make this new dimension of being more eminent in my daily life, also emotionally, and to dilute moral-, but also instinct-driven feelings with this ethereal love…//…
Sebastian – The Netherlands

...//... I am impressed again by the whole workshop. How you handled again 45 people on your own with the right knowledge, respect and love even till late at night.

I like to share my new insights. I realise that the meaning of sexuality, sensuality and affectivity were stuck together as one my whole life. Now I understand my past life better. For the first time I understand the difference between these words. In my system the meaning is just waking up and is not clear yet. I have to experience more.

This weekend I felt how strong the survival system/ saboteur can be but… I won!! New was to realise I have only to do one step and take care of that step and see what happens. After every step the next step will show up and I can choose again. I felt save to do this (even I had fear) every time and the results were great. I did made big mountains. My confidence and trust is much bigger than before. The change inside is going on.

During the ritual I could go into the process, overlooking the situation and gave instruction what I needed and it works out well…. That gave the right safety to restore the wound of the little child with the bad parents. When I stood up I was the little child using her power she never was connected with before. Dancing yin helps me to wake up the power in all my cells. Walking was if I did my first steps. To sit on my own was needed to integrate and to welcome myself completely and not losing myself in connection with others. I was together with me and not alone! Great ...//... Jeannette The Netherlands

For more participants’ comments, visit the TEMOIGNAGES (or Testimonials) section

The Transcendental Path to Relationships - Part II

Ritual initiation for men and women
Sexuality – Affectivity – Spirituality

Biodanza workshop and healing ritual

Description under preparation

DATES : from 19th October 5pm to 26 Octobre 5 pm 2018

Price: Residential workshop
220€ without accommodation
200€ for the members of the weekly classes
or for Centre 77 asbl members
or in case of payment before 30th June.

NEDERLANDSE VERSIE - De Transcendante Weg van de Relatie - Module I

Een rituele initiatie voor mannen en vrouwen

Biodanza workshop met Maria Verhulst
Didactisch docent Biodanza Creatrice van “Pad van transformatie en bewustzijn door Biodanza”
Co-creatrice van “Rituael Process”
Geïnitieerd in de mediumnale trance, sjamanistische genezing en dans. Initiatieritueel voor vrouwen Theatertherapie- specialisatie in psychopathologie. Master practitioner NLP

Als we een weg van persoonlijke ontwikkeling beginnen, betekent dat dat we ons bewust worden van een spanning die in ons woedt.

Een deel van ons is op zoek naar integriteit, integratie, verwezenlijking, eenheid en drukt dat uit door een gevoel van slecht in je vel zitten, psychosomatische problemen, een behoefte aan betekenis en antwoorden op existentiële vragen,….

Als geïncarneerd, menselijk wezen, levend in een gemeenschap, zullen al deze antwoorden evenals de gezochte rust zich onvermijdelijk openbaren in de relatie met ons lichaam en de relatie met de ander(en). Dat wat het menselijk lichaam betreft, zoekt eerder gelukzaligheid dan plezier. Gelukzaligheid is niet het kalmeren van stress en met bewustzijn mediteren op de schoonheid van een zonsondergang. Het is ons lichaam bewonen in al haar menselijke dimensies; d.w.z. in de seksuele, affectieve en spirituele dimensie. Echter, naar gelang onze wonden en trauma’s, snijden we onszelf af van de relatie met onszelf en de andere Door in ontkenning te zijn, te compenseren of door één van deze 3 dimensies die in ons huizen, te verheerlijken. Bijvoorbeeld :
Sommigen zullen de relatie met zichzelf of/en met de andere alleen op seksueel of affectief vlak kunnen leven.
Anderen hebben slechts toegang tot seksualiteit als deze afhankelijk is van een affectieve relatie of omgekeerd.
Anderen zullen slechts een relatie overwegen in een gedissocieerde spirituele visie van het levende en de wetten van de Aarde
Nog anderen zullen zich terugtrekken in eenzaamheid, terwijl ze hun potentie verstikken uit angst voor de ontmoeting met hun essentie, de ander, het leven.

Deze workshop is bedoeld voor al die die op de weg van hun eenheid zijn en die op zoek zijn naar :
• Uit de patronen van angst en opvoeding komen
• Zich verzoenen met de onvermurwbare band die de vrouw met de man verbindt en de man met de vrouw;
• Instinctieve krachten ontmoeten die de seksualiteit, de opening van het hart en de spiritualiteit ondersteunen
• In verbinding zijn met het levende in alle dimensies
• Zich laten raken door het spirituele mysterie van de ontmoeting met zichzelf en de ander.

Deze workshop is open voor iedereen, mannen en vrouwen, met of zonder Biodanza ervaring, die klaar zijn om te leven en de stadia van transformatie door zich heen te laten gaan. Toch is het zo dat je meer uit deze workshop zal halen als je al eerder hebt deelgenomen aan enkele wekelijkse biodanzalessen, wetende dat het belangrijk is om je op je gemak te voelen met je lichaam, beweging, wat je voelt, contact en het uitdrukken van emoties. Belangrijkste vereiste is vooral het verlangen om je uniek-zijn (opnieuw) te ervaren, ondersteund door de gemeenschappelijke band van een rituele initiatie in het bijzijn van mannen en vrouwen. Deze workshop wordt in het Frans gegeven en in het Nederlands vertaald.

Datum : Vrijdag 30 augustus 18u tot zondag 1 september 17u

To guide you on this path

with Maria Verhulst

Founder and director of APESRA (Psychocorporal energetical and spiritual approach for therapists) - Initiate into mediumnic trance, shamanic healing and dance.
Speaker, NLP Master Practitioner, educated in hypnosis, psychodrama, drama therapy, specialization in psychopathology.
Graduate in commercial and financial sciences.
Co-creator of “Rituael Process” with Philippe Lenaif .
Director of the RTS Biodanza School in Soignies. Biodanza didactic teacher and creator of the concept "Path of Transformation and Consciousness through Biodanza".
Workshop facilitator in Europe, Africa and Latin America.